Unveiling the Great Mystery of Life: Embracing the Unknown in Our Evolution:

As a seeker of truth, deeply immersed in the study of the spiritual, religious, scientific, and ancient teachings, I find myself continually drawn to the great mystery of Life. This mystery, a blend of the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen, is the essence of our existence, spanning across gazillions of years in an infinite cycle.

Our true nature, as I have come to understand it, is that of infinite, non-physical Energy, momentarily encapsulated in a physical experience. Humanity, for the longest time, has been entranced by the physical, often sidelining or remaining oblivious to the non-physical dimension of our existence. This other side, often shrouded in taboo or misconceived negativity, is the very cradle of our eternal Light of Life.

"The realization that beckons us, collectively, is profound and transformative. We are destined to align our Spiritual selves through our breath and heart center, liberating the body from its unconscious enslavement. In doing so, we will experience peace and what can be described as heaven on earth.

This liberation is not merely an individual journey; it is the cornerstone of peace and heaven on earth, a collective awakening. Our advancement as a civilization is incumbent upon our capacity to evolve, to maintain a connection with the Energy, the Source - whether it's referred to as Creation, God, Our Higher Self, The Great Mystery, or The Intelligent Life Force Energy that created us.

Evolution, like a wave, is always in motion, going out and coming back, a continuous cycle. But the longer a wave travels, the more momentum it builds, and the larger it becomes upon its return. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to learn how to maintain alignment and calibrate every wave that we sense is returning for recalibration, as quickly as we can sense its return.

The body gives the signal of the presence of an imbalance in need of recalibration through feelings of discomfort, unsatisfaction, discontentment, unhappiness, anything that feels less than Neutral. These signals indicate that the wave is returning for recalibration. Right now, we are in a wave of an Overall Shift from a very long wave ago, from the beginning of time. This occurs every so many gazillion years, and it just happens to be right now.

We, and everything in existence, are in the phase or stage of an Overall transformation. This transformation requires building the capacity to shift our attention from our external experiences to our inner world. There is no existence without the cooperation of the body coming along. The body has existed for so long on its own, developing an identity and self-awareness that is separate from the true nature of its SoulSelf. It has felt separate for so long, it's forgotten, in its attempt to survive, and it has gained a handful of survival tools that have outlived their usefulness for the advancement of our civilization at this time.

We cannot have a civilization or existence without the body/mind being in alignment with its Source/Creator. So, The Shift is about finding our balance between and alignment with the physical and non-physical side of existence. This requires us to shift out our toolset every gazillion years or so. This requirement is not going to be insisted upon you. You will not be made to learn a new set of tools for this day and time in this all-new time in space. If you do not choose to build your capacity, you will just not advance. Only those Souls who choose to build and apply their capacity in/with their vessel provided to them will be able to have the capacity to ride out the wave and advance with the new vibration of existence of the new World. We get to come along if we want; it's our choice. And to be able to bear witness to something we typically haven't been honored to see. We have usually wiped everything out and had to begin from scratch. We are on the precipice of having the capacity to stay connected, maintaining conscious awareness, and keeping our bodies intact during The Shift. There's an Art to Handling your shift!"
